Pappu: "Why do you send me to school for."
Mother: "To make a man out of you."
Pappu: "But my teacher makes everyday a cock out of me."
Pappu was yelling in the Church after the Chapel: "Oh God! Please make Moscow the Capital of China!"
The priest inquired: "Why must you pray so, my child?"
Pappu: "That's what I've written in my answer sheet in the examination!"
When the teacher entered the class all the boys were standing.
The teacher said: 'Now, all of you sit down except those who are absolutely dull and duffers?' All the boys sat down except Pappu.
Teacher: 'Why Pappu? Are you absolutely dull and a duffer?'
Pappu: 'No sir. The thing is that you were standing alone and it didn't look good to me.'